Monday, June 26, 2006

Testing my Blog

This is a test of my new Blog.

(Heb. yare') (1:5; 4:14; Gen. 32:11) H3372: The Hebrew word translated awesome is derived from the Hebrew verb meaning “to fear.” In this context, the word does not mean “frightening.” Rather it suggests the quality that inspires reverence or godly fear. In some Bible passages, “fearing” and godly living are so closely related that they are almost synonymous (Lev. 19:14; 25:17; Deut. 17:19; 2 Kin. 17:34). Thus while ordinary fear paralyzes a person, godly fear leads to submission and obedience to God. The person who properly fears God avoids evil (Job 1:1) and walks in God’s ways (Ps. 128:1).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our God is an awesome GOD.
In the LORD's Name